Book Recommendation: Me and White Supremacy

We borrowed Me and White Supremacy by Saad from the library and highly recommend it for your next anti-racism read. Saad has never lived in the US, but referenced her experiences as a black, Muslim woman (“triple threat” as she calls it) and challenges the layers of white privilege and supremacy that exist not only in America but the world.

It is set up for a 28 day read, each day about 5 pages long, and each ends with challenging, reflective questions.

Digestible for those new to these concepts and conversations but also challenging for a white woman like me who has been teaching diversity, equity, and inclusion for a number of years.

What does this have to do with aging? Everything. We are positively and negatively affected by the systems mentioned in this book and from a life course perspective, this is significant. You don’t have to agree with everything, but you do need to take an honest look at the world you participate in and how you choose to move in it.